I MAY have mentioned a time or two that my kids like trucks. They're obsessed with everything having to do with these big machines, from the engine to the bed and lights and hauling capabilities. We actually hosted a monster truck party recently in order to get them hands-on with their favorite subject.

Creating a party around a beloved theme like this offers up a ton of project potential and learning opportunities.
Everything you need for a Blaze Monster Truck Party
We're still working with Nickelodeon to promote Blaze and the Monster Machines, and our monster truck party theme was the perfect way to tie in the Blaze STEM-themed toys (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). We got to talk to the boys about math and science concepts such as thrust, acceleration and other in-motion ideas.
Big concepts + big fun = lifelong learning.
We're super-close with a family who has three boys almost exactly the same age as ours. It was actually those truck-obsessed dudes who got our little guys hooked on Blaze. The family has a big, huge open floorplan that lends perfectly to race tracks and hands-on toy time, so I immediately thought of their house for our party spot.
Yes, I totally invite myself to host parties at my friends' homes. I am one of those people.
The adults were impressed by the fancy invites, custom cups and personal invites. There is a FREE Blaze and the Monster Machines play date pack on the Target website that I printed off with my HP Envy 5660 printer. It has WiFi capabilities that automatically order ink for me when I'm running low and lets me print stuff from my phone. I always sign on to be the one bringing activity sheets to events. It's pretty much made me the most popular person at every play group!
Bringing candy doesn't hurt, either, if we're being totally honest. Here I stuck yellow M&Ms into unwrapped Kit Kat bars. Can you tell what it is? Yes! It's the Blaze light rack!
The most popular toy by far at our monster truck party was this Transforming Blaze Jet that Nickelodeon sent over. He's a truck. He's a jet. He's the best of both worlds!
Down on the ground he says truck phrases and speeds around like a normal truck. When you pick him up, wings automatically pop out and he speeds through the air.
With the younger set, the Slam & Go characters were a big hit.
You press down on the back end and they thrust forward…sometimes crashing into whatever is ahead!
After a ton of hands-on monster truck party fun, we unwound with some coloring sheets.
And what party would be complete without “pin the tail on the donkey”? Or in this case, a “stick the wheel on the Blaze” poster printable.
I even got a little fancy with custom “Fuel” tire labels for our grape juice. I was like a printing party machine, you guys!
You can click above to save that printable, and then head on over to the Blaze website to download everything you need for a monster truck party. Don't forget to nab some fun toys from Target, while you're at it. You can head to BlazePlaydate.com and upload a photo of your own party for a chance to win one of the $100 Target GiftCards that they're giving away monthly through December. Everyone who uploads a photo will receive a 10% discount for Blaze at Target via email.
Monster truck party prep, DONE.
Have you ever hosted a themed event like a monster truck party?