Muppets Gonzo Piñata

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We've been watching the Muppets: Most Wanted movie over and over again with the boys lately. They love seeing familiar muppet characters like the ones that they've gotten to know on Sesame Street, and I enjoy that it has some pretty hilarious parts to keep us adults engaged.

When I started planning for Sidekick's upcoming birthday party, I instantly picked the muppets as our theme. It has a lot of familiar characters, tons of fun colors to add to the decor and super-easy crafts that I can whip up in a flash like this muppets Gonzo piñata.

I started with a large paper lantern for the base. This one is 30.4″, which I believe is a pretty standard size.

I taped some paper in the bottom to hold the treats inside.

And printed out a cute little muppets Gonzo face that I whipped up in PicMonkey.

Gonzo face printable_small

You can download the 8.5×11″ muppets Gonzo face PDF here. Simply cut out Gonzo's features, stick them on the paper lantern, fill with candy and have a blast!

Muppets Gonzo piñata printable face

I left his nose partly detached so it could wave around in the wind, and the kids got a kick out of it. I bet I could use a similar template for a Snuffleupagus piñata, dontcha think? Out of all the muppet characters, though, Gonzo is my kids' favorite. It definitely has something to do with the nose. Boys. They're all the same!

We're working with Disney to help spread the word that Muppets: Most Wanted is available on Blu-ray Combo Pack and Digital HD August 12th at It features dozens of guest cameos, new songs and exclusive scenes not seen in theaters. With a personal copy of Muppets: Most Wanted, your kids can get in on all the muppet action with Gonzo, Kermit, Piggy and Animal.

Planning a muppet party? You can find even more crafts and ideas on the muppets Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages!


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