How I Ditched Postpartum Acne

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My 4th baby gave me lots of joy, sleepless nights, and SERIOUS postpartum acne. It took me a lot of trial and error, but I finally ditched those blemishes – for the most part. Here's how.

Postpartum acne solutions to use after the shower
If you're looking to be rid of your postpartum acne, good news! Rite Aid stocks everything on my must-have list to deal with those irritating blemishes. One fell swoop and your acne problems are solved!

How to ditch postpartum acne (without seeing a dermatologist) – for good!

Here's what you need to help with postpartum acne

Postpartum acne cleanser

1. Cleanser

An oldie but a goodie, Clean & Clear Morning Burst Facial Cleanser is technically a morning cleanser, but I use it day and night. I actually used this to battle breakouts back when I was a teenager, so I naturally turned to it when my skin started flaring up again. This stuff is amazing. The Vitamin C and Ginseng wakes me up with a fresh citrus scent while soft beads help exfoliate. I have super oily skin, and this pulls the excess oil out without leaving my skin feeling stripped and dry. Lesson learned: when you find a product that works reliably, stick with it. There's no point in straying. And if you find yourself breaking out again all of the sudden after you have a kid, you may want to recall the last time your hormones got thrown out of whack and give whatever worked then another chance.

Makeup remover wipes

Makeup Remover

Neutrogena Calming Night Cleansing Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes dissolve all the waterproof makeup that I wear throughout the day as an adventure blogger. So. Much. Set makeup. I added this step when I started doing a lot of on-camera work, and it's been a huge lifesaver in taking the day off so that products I apply to battle the acne aren't hindered by layers of foundation, blush, mascara, etc.

Postpartum acne solutions Persa-Gel

3. Persa-Gel

Persa-Gel 10 Maximum Strength was the BIG breakthrough that finally helped me win the postpartum acne battle. This unique formula goes to work immediately, releasing the medicine deep into the pores where pimples start. Whenever I see a blemish starting to make its way into the world via my face, I just swab a bit of this on there and it's gone within a day or two. This maximum strength Benzoyl Peroxide acne medication is the same prescription formula recommended by doctors. I actually saw a dermatologist for awhile after Bam was born, and quickly realized that she was simply doling this stuff out – at four times the price that I'd pay for it at Rite Aid. This is more accessible when we're on the go, and saves my wallet BIG TIME.

Postpartum acne solutions including cleanser, persa-gel, wipes

Now is probably a good time to remind you to drink lots of water, eat leafy green vegetables with minimal amounts of sugar and dairy, yada yada. I also started seeing an aesthetician for regular facials because sometimes, you just need a knowledgeable hand and some guidance as your skin shifts.

Buying skin care products are Rite Aid

See those annoying bumps forming around my chin area? Those cropped up after a particularly humid trip to Florida, and I was caught off-guard without my usual skincare routine in-hand. I ran to the local Rite Aid and grabbed some trusty Neutrogena, and that postpartum acne was soon a memory of the past. As long as I stay on top of self-care, those baby-inducecd zits are a memory of the past.

Did you struggle with postpartum acne?


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