How to Voice Control your TV with DISH and Amazon Alexa

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This post is sponsored by DISH.

Christmas has come and gone. You've got all sorts of fun new technology itching to get out of the box and get put to good use! We're here to help, with quick and easy rundowns of our favorite new smart home gear to get your New Year house ALL jazzed up. First on the list? Amazon Alexa and her best pal, DISH. Oh yeah, these two pieces of tech mastery play super well together.

You might remember that we’re big fans of DISH in our parts due to the fact that we live in a remote location and travel a ton, and DISH is great for people both of those situations. Now that DISH is integrated with Amazon Alexa we’re over the moon!

Voice control TV

So let's get right to it, shall we?

How to voice control your TV with Amazon Alexa and DISH

In order to start voice-controlling our TV, we unboxed our new Echo Dot and got it all plugged in by the living room. To voice-control your TV through an Echo synced to DISH, you need to have a Hopper, Wally or Joey DVR and an Amazon Echo, Echo Dot or Amazon Tap.

Setting up DISH voice control with the Amazon Alexa app

Some Boy and I powered up the Amazon Alexa app, navigated on over to “Music, Video, & Books” and tapped on the DISH logo.

DISH TV setup with Amazon Alexa

We logged in to our DISH account and physically confirmed through our DISH receiver by going to Menu > Settings > Amazon Alexa. When the two were synced up, we were able to discover our Hopper through the Amazon Alexa app and get them talking to each other so that we could talk to the TV!

Voice control TV so you can relax more

Now I can just shout out my television desires at Amazon Alexa, and my wish is DISH's command.

Without the need to keep track of the remote, we'll be spending the rest of our winter break in cuddle central! The week leading up to Christmas was a little stressful for us, so this lull between the first day of break and school starting back up is the real holiday for me (parents, raise your hands if you know what I'm talking about!). December may be the season of festivity and excitement, but my personal fave is January: the month of relaxation and peace. Since we work in marketing, our task load tends to slow down quite a bit in the post-holiday months. This is when I organize my home, focus on my family, and try to restore a little sanity after a busy season.

Alexa, show me yoga shows.

Alexa, play Low Carb and Lovin' It on Food Network.

Alexa, record Mission: Organization on HGTV.

Yup, you'll find me plopped right here catching up on all the fall TV I missed and maybe – just MAYBE – trying to get a jump on my New Year's resolutions.

Could this smart tech feature help you get a jump on your resolutions? New DISH customers can get a FREE Echo Dot and voice remote with a 2-year DISH contract through January 15! Use offer code CJfreeEchoDot at checkout.


Word of the Year: Purpose

Chia Pudding with Chocolate and Banana
