5 Simple Family Picnic Tips

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5 Easy Family Picnic tips to help keep kids and food coordinated

It's summer, which for us means family picnic time! There's nothing I like to do more in this season than get a big group together and take lunch to go. Babies can add some interesting challenges to the mix, but we've become pros at outdoor dining with kids in tow. These are my top tips for keeping everyone happy and well-fed.

How to Rock Your Next Family Picnic

5 Easy Family Picnic tips to help keep kids and food coordinated

Ward bugs away with JOHNSON'S® baby pure cornstarch powder with calming lavender & chamomile. It can be sprinkled around your family picnic blanket to create a barrier that ants and other creepy crawlies don't like to cross. It's the perfect way to make sure that you and your kids are the only creatures nibbling on your lunch treats. If you happen to be in a sandy area, you can also sprinkle a little of this on your baby's hands and feet to absorb moisture so that sand will quickly wipe away!

5 Easy Family Picnic tips to help keep kids and food coordinated

Pack snacks in hard plastic containers instead of baggies. Sandwiches and chips can get crushed and jostled on the way to the family picnic area if they aren't in something with rigid sides. Better yet, layer salads in mason jars for a healthy and upscale touch.

5 Easy Family Picnic tips to help keep kids and food coordinated

Hold your blanket edges down with rocks, if possible. With kids running every which way, it's not uncommon for that throw to get flipped up and food to go flying. I like to stake my claim and hold my ground!

5 Easy Family Picnic tips to help keep kids and food coordinated

Make clean-up easy with JOHNSON'S® hand & face wipes. They're alcohol-free and won't sting eyes like many diaper wipes, so they're a perfect solution for cleaning up messy faces after mealtime.

5 Easy Family Picnic tips to help keep kids and food coordinated

Get tangles out of wet or dry hair with JOHNSON'S® NO MORE TANGLES® detangling spray. It's perfect for de-knotting those locks after a windy family picnic day.

What tips and tricks help you make your family picnic the best place to be?


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