Kitchen Sink Organizer Ideas for a Bright, Minimalist Home

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This post is sponsored by DishFish.

We have readers reach out on occasion with questions about our kitchen sink organizer situation. Since we posted about our kitchen hub awhile back, it seems that minimalism in the cooking area is a hot topic! The organization in this space can't really be contributed to a specific organizer or individual design purchase, though. When it comes to our farmhouse, Nate and I have made a long series of decisions that have contributed to a simplistic space in general. Here are some of our favorite kitchen sink organizer ideas.

Kitchen sink organizer

7 Kitchen Sink Organizer Ideas for a Simple Space

When we moved into this house, there was a big bay window in the kitchen with lots of space for herbs and spices and storage and…clutter. The idea was nice, but it ultimately blocked the view and contributed to a lot of kitchen hoarding. After living here for awhile, I realized that having too much room meant that we filled it with totally unnecessary stuff. I decided to cut down on all the cute cubbies and nooks and crannies in favor of sleek, open, accessible, useful space. This is how we did it, step by step.

Go against the norm

Go against the norm

Hang pots from the ceiling. Stick measuring cups on the wall. Ditch the utensil drawer in favor of a caddy. Whatever works with your space and your life, roll with it!

Use wall space

Use wall space for your kitchen sink organizer

In almost all of our home photos, it's clear that we make extensive use of our wall space. We hang up helpful and decorative items throughout our hallways and offices. In the kitchen, you'll find oft-used spices dangling from organizers up on conveniently-placed floating shelves. There are hooks for oven mitts that also double as pot holders to set hot dishes on the counter. Every space is used – and used in a thoughtful way.

The best sponge ever is the DishFish

Have a really fantastic sponge

Oh, I searched high and low for the perfect sponge! I literally watched infomercials, scoured online reviews and asked friends for advice about which sponge would efficiently clean my dishes without leaving a wet, sopping, gross, gunky mess in my space. Germaphobe alert! One of my pals works in PR for DishFish, and she told me this was “the ultimate dish cleaner on the planet.” I was sold on the whole tail idea right off the bat – this thing stands upright on its tail so it dries faster than traditional sponges. The shape also helps it get into the crevices of just about any dish in our kitchen.


So I got a few. And then a few more. These things sort of multiplied around my house as I realized that they're not only awesome for dishes and counters (the DishFish Dual shown on the right above is my go-to pick), but also for on-the-go jobs like automotive tasks, cleaning up around the RV and getting into nitty gritty spaces around the rest of our property. Their PowerCell Technology is ten times stronger, six times more water absorbent and two times more absorbent of grease and grime than the leading sponge brand, yet they don't scratch sensitive surfaces. Yeah, it's impressive.

I never thought I'd say I was impressed by a sponge, but here we are.

Hanging dry rack

Get some hanging dry racks

We do have one of those traditional kitchen sink organizers with the dish rack and the knife storage, but what really impressed me about this thing was the hanging dry rack. It's basically a tall metal rod, like a towel rack, where you can dry stuff. I toss drying towels over this, I thread wine glasses up here, and I even loop the eye of my DishFish Scrubber up on this dry rack for easy access during tough scrub jobs.

6 Open storage space

Open up your storage space

When we built our own cabinets, a few people asked us where the doors were. Doors, schmoors! I like having open and accessible storage space. As you can see here, we've designated a large part of our open sink area for pet feeding and for housing bulky cutting boards that never really had a home to begin with. There are various baskets and open spaces for pots and pans throughout the rest of the sink area. Closed cabinets are minimal and designated for food, plates, and other cluttery-looking stuff.

Magnetic stuff in the kitchen

Magnetic things are magic

Imagine if your dish gloves and towels could float. Well they can, kind of! Look for magnetic options so you can take advantage of the spaces on your refrigerator and dishwasher for useful storage. Instead of sitting in a gross, wet clump under the sink, these things can be quickly drying out and sitting at-the-ready until it's time for them to be put to good use.

Counter space and bulk buying

Use your counter space wisely

Counter space always seems limited. Whatever you do choose to put up there, make sure it's stuff that you really need frequent access to. We buy in bulk and keep our oft-used items up high and in our face so we have a built-in reminder to make a smart choice and use what we already have. Here, you can see that we're currently working to switch from so much coffee over to more healthy options like tea. Putting that better choice front and center means that we're more likely to actually choose it.

Kitchen sink organizer system when you’re short on space

When you're short on space, your kitchen sink organizer choices have to work for you. Chuck out the old norms! Select each and every item in your kitchen wisely, and you'll have a space that works for you so you're more inclined to dine in, tidy up, and enjoy the cooking and meal planning process. When you're dealing with a space that's SO central to your life, there's no reason not to make it all about you and your priorities.

Do you have a dedicated kitchen sink organizer space? Are your choices in the kitchen well thought-out, or do you tend to just grab the stuff you're used to using without research or reflection?


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