Mo Willems Pigeon Costume

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Do you guys read Mo Willems books? It's Pigeon's 16th birthday this month! Or BIRD-day. Hehe. We're working with Disney Book Group to bring you a fun Mo Willems Pigeon costume to help celebrate everyone's favorite pigeon.

Mo Willems Pigeon Costume Supplies

Mo Willems pigeon costume supplies

Our boys are totally obsessed with the Pigeon series, having learned how to read some of their first words from the pages of these books. The local school occasionally has “Dress as your Favorite Storybook Character” day. Can you guess who the kindergartener wanted to be this year? That's right. A Mo Willems pigeon costume was in order and needed to be whipped up STAT because lord knows I'm totally disorganized and never seem to transfer these events to our family calendar in time to give myself proper notice.

Not a problem. I was able to quickly deliver the supplies for this project straight to our house and whip it all together for the most easily-recognized giant pigeon on the planet.

The supplies for this Mo Willems pigeon costume are super easy. All you need are:

  • A blue hoodie
  • Giant craft eyeballs
  • Yellow felt
  • Hot glue gun
  • String

Putting Together a Mo Willems Pigeon Costume

Mo Willems pigeon costume beak

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. For the beak, simply cut a square from the felt, fold it from corner-to-corner, and fold that triangle from corner-to-corner again. Mine was about 14″ from corner to corner originally, but the size will totally vary based on the size of your kids' face and how large you want the beak to be in comparison to the hoodie.

Costume beak made out of felt

Slice some slits in the end of the beak and string through some string. I could've gotten fancy with a hole punch, but I just opted for some rough cuts with kitchen shears and some easy knots put into some kitchen twine. So simple.

Mo Willems pigeon costume hoodie

Use your hot glue gun to hot glue the giant eyeballs onto the hoodie. I used the “hot setting,” for the record, since I've found that that tends to work best with fabric. This isn't an exact science: we just glued it roughly into the center of the hoodie (one on each side of the head), right about where the kid's ears land when the hoodie is being worn.

Mo Willems Pigeon in Action

Mo Willems pigeon costume eye with book

Seeing our Mo Willems pigeon costume in action alongside our son's favorite book was a total dream moment, I gotta admit. It's amazing to see how quickly he's taken to reading, and how much he connects with storybook characters. This one reminds me of myself with his dreamer tendencies, and I have zero problem with that. I hope that his love of reading continues throughout his life, and that he keeps telling the intricate stories that seem to randomly pop up into his head.

Mo Willems pigeon costume

There's a brand new Pigeon book, The Pigeon Has to Go to School, coming to stores in June and we are SO excited! That's definitely on the list to add to our collection.

Does your family love Mo Willems?


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