
What to know about dog health

Dog Health Info you Should Know

Throughout our collective lives, Nate and I have raised and trained a LOT of animals. Dogs in particular. Farm dogs, family dogs and even service dogs of various breeds and shapes and sizes. So we know a lot about dog health stuff, and we’re here to pass that knowledge on.

DIY removable wallpaper strips

DIY Wallpaper that’s Totally Removable

So here we are, moved into a brand new house that we’re now stuck in with very few supplies and an itch to decorate. Will I let my limited craft selection stop me from busting out some DIY wallpaper? No! No I will not.

Cricut Joy alphabet banner

Cricut Joy is BIG on Little Details

I love to craft. I also love to travel and maintain a beautiful, minimalist home. Cricut Joy – the newest release from my favorite crafting company – helps me do all of it with ease.

Grocery tote bags

Cricut Grocery Tote Bags for GOOD

Looking to make some grocery tote bags? These can help you ditch plastic to preserve the environment and carry stuff more easily.