Family Dog

Family dog

The Best Family Dogs To Bring Home

According to a scientific study carried out in the in the university of Cambridge an increasing evidence was found that household pets or family dogs may have a major influence on a child’s development and could have a great positive impact on a child’s social skills and emotional well-being.

happy german shepherd in truck

Here’s What to Do about Dog Motion Sickness

Our newest little pup is battling some serious dog motion sickness. Seeing as how we travel constantly and she comes with us everywhere, it’s a big problem. I don’t mind cleaning up piles of dog vomit, but I feel bad for her poor little stomach! Here’s how we’re helping Freya feel better.

dog eating fresh pet food from a bowl

The Freshest Pet Food for our Family Dog

We have another family dog making the rounds here at the farm house! Sweet little Freya is an adopted German Shepherd mix of some sort. I’m planning to do a test at some point to determine her dog breed since people constantly ask what she is. One thing we did learn about her quite quickly is that she requires fresh pet food.

Dog Travel Checklist for an Easier Trip

We’ve still been on the road a bunch, and this dude has been along for the ride. All the rides! Traveling with a dog requires consideration of health issues, campsite and hotel standards, as well as awareness of various travel provider rules. Here is a complete dog travel checklist to help you get ready for your trip.

Getting rid of parvo

Getting Rid of Parvo after your Dog gets Sick

We recently brought a new pet into our lives! Please welcome Moby, the Bengal cat. We put a pause on getting any more house pets after Bjorne almost died of parvo. I was SO freaked out by that experience, I couldn’t imagine bringing another animal into this environment until I was positive that we could provide a clean, healthy space.