Open Water Safety with Kids

Hooray, it’s summer! The season of pool parties and beach bashes. In the midst of everyone’s celebrations, however, it’s a sad fact that this is when the majority of childhood drownings occur each year. Most tragedies surprisingly don’t happen in pools or bathtubs but rather in lakes, streams and oceans. Open water safety is a critical consideration this time of year.

Make a Macaroni and Cheese Bar

I’d categorize myself as a pretty decent cook, but I run out of ideas just like any other parent. Sometimes, a quick fix is where it’s at! I love taking boxed or frozen meals and adding my own flair to keep things interesting and easy. Mac and cheese is a longtime favorite around here, so for a recent summer party I decided to mix things up with a macaroni and cheese bar.

I’m Not Worried About Coffee Causing Cancer

I’ve been struggling to write anything of substance these last few weeks. Still working, because I enjoy the familiarity, but struggling with meaning. I take photographs of everything in an attempt to capture every delicate, fleeting moment. I contemplate the things I’ve been afraid of, and how recent years have altered my perspective, and I find myself repeating a blunt new mantra to people from time to time. “I’m not worried.”

Helpful Tips for your Kids Eye Exam

I’ve worn glasses or contacts since I was in third grade. Prior to that, nobody knew I had vision issues because my parents didn’t realize that comprehensive kids eye exams needed to be scheduled for my sister and I. To be fair, this was back in the day when many screenings and vaccinations were handled directly through the school nurse.

Traveling with Diversity

They say being prepared is half the battle. Having what you need when you need it makes future issues a lot easier to get through. In my case, preparation is a REALLY important half. It allows to quick execution of my plans. After all, I’m a pragmatist and I’ve learned over time to buy, keep, and take care of the things I actually need.

Finding the Right Preschool for You

My baby is about to start preschool. I have to admit that typing those words makes me feel a small bit of shock. Wasn’t he a baby yesterday? Didn’t he JUST figure out how to walk? Then I realize that we’re far beyond that point. He’s already begun loudly sounding out complicated words like “truck” (his tr sounds come out like f sounds, so that’s pretty amusing in the grocery store). One thing that makes these milestones easier is that we already went about finding the right preschool with our first son, four years ago.

Dog Travel Checklist for an Easier Trip

We’ve still been on the road a bunch, and this dude has been along for the ride. All the rides! Traveling with a dog requires consideration of health issues, campsite and hotel standards, as well as awareness of various travel provider rules. Here is a complete dog travel checklist to help you get ready for your trip.

My #1 Baby Registry Must-Have

Having had four babies back-to-back (to-back-to-back), we get a lot of questions about baby gear. Tons of emails have asked which products we find essential, as traveling parents with a minimalist sensibility. What makes life easier? Which picks could we not do without? We’ve been all over the board with baby stuff as our family has grown and changed, but I do have a baby registry must-have that’s been on my list since baby number one. The brand has improved and tweaked this item over the years to the point that I can easily say it’s my top pick, hands-down.

Visiting Historic Hollywood at The Garland

When visitors ask how they can get a glimpse of historic Hollywood, there’s one property that everyone in the area immediately refers to. The Garland. Previously in use as Gene Autry’s horse ranch, Beverly Garland’s husband bought it and built a hotel that originally had water beds and shag carpet that the maids cleaned with rakes. True story.