Chelsea Day

Save money by acting like a child

How we Save Money by Acting like Children

Friends and family often ask us how we can afford to travel so much. I usually give them the simple explanation that, in most regards, I’m cheap! I scrimp on many things in order to have money for adventures.

There’s more to it than that, though.

Satellite TV on the go

Satellite TV Here, There, Middle of Nowhere

Since we live in the boondocks (Nate hates it when I say that) and travel a bunch, readers often ask about our TV situation. Do we have cable? Subscriptions? How on earth do we keep up with shows? These are the important, nitty-gritty day-to-day details that everyone wants to know.

Shelling 101

Sea Shelling 101 (By the Sea Shore!)

When I was a kid growing up along the coast of Washington, I’d walk down to the coastline to go shelling at the beach and repeat to myself over and over again, “She sells sea shells by the sea shore.” I learned this little diddy from my stepmom and I thought it was SO clever. Not even kidding, I had visions of myself collecting all the shells and opening up shop, making some sort of jewelry out of it all and eventually saving enough money to escape our tiny island.

camping diaper bag | family camping | camping with kids

What’s in our Camping Diaper Bag

It’s that time again. Our youngest baby is now six months old, and we’re slowly getting back into adventure mode. This time we’re doing it with 4 boys ages 6 and under. People constantly ask how we manage it, what’s in our diaper bag, aren’t I tired, and so on and so forth.

The perfect spring shoe for every age

The Perfect Spring Shoes for Every Age

I’ve admitted to you all in the past that I’m a bit of a perfectionist. That tendency spills over into a LOT of aspects of my life and I actually make a conscious effort to limit my expectations around the cadence of day-to-day life with four small children. When it comes to shopping and products, though, I maintain my dang-near-impossible-to-please attitude. I have certain standards and I’m always on the hunt for the best.