Sensory Tubes for Story Time

DIY Sensory Tubes for Story Time

This kid. He loves story time, but his version isn’t quite as subdued as I’d like. When he asks for a bedtime story, I have visions of us snuggling up together, pointing out the characters and discussing the objects on the pages. In reality, he dances circles around the room and acts out the various scenes while I run a loud monologue over the various sound effects created by him and his three brothers.

Elephant crafts

26 Elephant Crafts for all Ages

Nate and I are planning a 2018 trip to Africa, which I believe is how I first got sucked into the story of an orphaned baby elephant in Botswana. “Research!” I explained as I pulled up the Naledi documentary on Netflix. “We should know about the wildlife where we’re going.”

A day on a small farm

Moving through a Day on our Small Farm

New friends are often fascinated when they find out that we own a small farm. I always feel the need to jump in and clarify, explaining that it really is very small with just a few goats and sheep and chickens. People are still full of questions. “You travel so much, though! And you have four kids! How do you find time to manage it?”

Entryway renovation

A Clean, Catch-all Entryway

We’re rolling right along with renovations on our little farm house! For our latest update we decided to make a clean, catch-all space in our entryway so we’d have a place to put jackets, purses and little notes to ourselves about things we need to take care of before the next time we run out the door.

Small business stand out

The Most Kickass tip for Making your Small Business Stand Out

When Nate and I first started the business, the name and branding fell into place easily. Someday I’ll Learn began as a personal way for us to keep distant friends and family updated, and every detail of the site grew easily out of our own preferences. There was no pressure to impress anyone or worry about consistency and setting myself apart.

The blog world’s gotten a bit more cutthroat since then.

Pow Wow as a Family

Our First Pow Wow as a Family

Nate and I have been trying to find ways to help the kids explore their heritage more. I feel like one of the best ways to instill a love of history and humanities in children is to start with their direct ancestry. Make it personally relevant, and then branch out from there. We’ve actually been booking quite a bit of travel lately to show the kids various places that are relevant in explaining exactly how their family came to be.

Getting rid of parvo

Getting Rid of Parvo after your Dog gets Sick

We recently brought a new pet into our lives! Please welcome Moby, the Bengal cat. We put a pause on getting any more house pets after Bjorne almost died of parvo. I was SO freaked out by that experience, I couldn’t imagine bringing another animal into this environment until I was positive that we could provide a clean, healthy space.

Home Air Health Essentials

5 Home Air Health Essentials to help Survive Farm Life

Having a little farm, it turns out, is a LOT of work. Nate and the boys are constantly shuffling around wood and dirt and hay – and I’m in a never-ending battle to keep all of that stuff from getting tracked all over my floors, couches and even counters.