coloring christmas ornament

Cricut Christmas Ideas that Rock

Now that Thanksgiving’s behind us, we can move along with alllll the Cricut Christmas ideas we’ve been saving up. Ready? Let’s do this!

Sweet potato recipes

Instant Pot Sweet Potato Recipes For A Big Family

Instant Pot Sweet Potato Recipes Your Entire Family Will Love.
Are you getting a new Instant Pot AKA “The Magical Pot” during the holiday or did you already purchase one but still can’t find the courage to unbox it?
These easy Instant Pot Sweet Potato recipes are guaranteed to get you using your pot frequently!

Family dog

The Best Family Dogs To Bring Home

According to a scientific study carried out in the in the university of Cambridge an increasing evidence was found that household pets or family dogs may have a major influence on a child’s development and could have a great positive impact on a child’s social skills and emotional well-being.