
man holding native deodorant and baby

Natural Deodorant for Men

We’re currently driving the RV through Texas, and just for the record, it is HOT. Naturally, this is the time when Chelsea decides she wants to ditch most chemicals from our lives and make me switch to a natural deodorant for men.

Mo Willems pigeon costume eye

Mo Willems Pigeon Costume

Do you guys read the Mo Willems books? It’s Pigeon’s 16th birthday this month! Or BIRD-day. Hehe. We’re working with Disney Book Group to bring you a fun Mo Willems Pigeon costume to help celebrate.

Cricut machine

The Best Die Cut Machine For a Farmhouse

I do crafts with the kids, but I’ve never considered myself to be an intricately “crafty” person. We have a fixer-upper farmhouse that I tinker on a bunch. I customize costumes for the boys to wear. And I spruce up the occasional gift wrapping or fix up a sign to mark areas on our property. Functionality is key for me.

Why Pet SHEEP Make Happier KIDS

Enhancing our children’s personal perspective and improving their mental health is a difficult task. We’re making the most of our PET SHEEP and family farm to help bring out the best in our children. Here’s how farm animals make happier kids.

Dad sitting at kitchen table

Family Business Money Matters (How to Responsibly Quit your Day Job)

Last year we bought an RV and Nate quit his day job, prompting a bunch of people to ask if we were ditching the traditional American dream altogether. Nope! We love the comfort of home AND we love to travel. But the big question is paying for it all. Today we’re sharing what we’ve learned, and how we manage our family business while keeping an eye on finances and retirement.

dog eating fresh pet food from a bowl

The Freshest Pet Food for our Family Dog

We have another family dog making the rounds here at the farm house! Sweet little Freya is an adopted German Shepherd mix of some sort. I’m planning to do a test at some point to determine her dog breed since people constantly ask what she is. One thing we did learn about her quite quickly is that she requires fresh pet food.

reading books with kids

9 Reasons to Homeschool

Free time, family connection and deeper learning opportunities are things we get to enjoy with our kids at home. Here’s a detailed list of our reasons to homeschool.

Food safety kit

Family Food Safety Made Simple

This year didn’t get off to the healthiest start. A minor cold and a MAJOR bout of food poisoning came at us while we were traveling. Now that we’re back home, I’ve been steering into the drive-through too often. I’ll admit I got spooked away from the kitchen – the sight of raw meat still churns my stomach a bit. So while everyone else was committing to gym-going, smoothie-making and daily yoga, I decided to focus on family food safety. I made a simple commitment to get us back into a simple, healthy routine.

This Pressure Washer keeps our Home Clean

Anyone else ever notice that there always seems to be a summer before the fall? Almost without warning, a winter comes right after that. EVERY SINGLE YEAR. It’s like a conspiracy. Much like the wheels on our adventure truck, the seasons roll round and round. With those seasons come new work that needs to be done. Specifically, work for a pressure washer.